
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Caryatid Column

Caryatid Column XP 250

Medium Natural Animate Cconstruct Level 6 Lurker

Initiative +10 Perception -2, Tremorsense 10

HP 61 Bloodied 30 AC 23, Fortitude 22, Reflex 19, Will 16

Immune: Disease, poison, sleep
Bastard Sword +2 (standard; at will) magic, weapon
+13 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage
First Strike
At the start of an encounter, Caryatid Column has combat advantage against any creatures that have not yet acted.
Sneak Attack
Once per round, Caryatid Column gains +2d6 damage when it has combat advantage.
Shifty (Minor; at will)
Shift 1 square.
Column Form (standard; at will)
The Caryatid becomes a Column gains tremorsense 10 it loses all other senses. Whenever struck by a weapon that weapon makes an immediate save or breaks dealing no damage if save is made normal damage is taken. magic weapons get a bonus equal to it's enhancement. Non-magical range shatter upon hitting the column, magic ranged save as magic weapons. Caryatid can animate (minor action).
When Caryatid is in column form it radiates no magic, it is immune to any arcana skill checks like detect magic or true seeing (if true seeing shows up in future products). A perception check can be made to discern faint and distorted lines that make the pillar resemble a woman. A second successful check (if someone climbs the pillar) reveals that the pillar is not cemented or jointed at the ceiling. The DC is 10+level+4, anyone with dungeoneering get a +2 bonus to their perception check.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Non
Str 20(+8) Con 19(+7) Dex 16(+6) Int 6(+1) Wis 1(-2) Cha 1(-2)
A Caryatid Column will wait until no one is paying any attention to it and strike with first strike at the nearest target to deal sneak attack damage hopefully use its shifty ability to get in range. On it's next standard action it take on Column form so that it enemies break its weapons.

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