Tim Duncan, Judi Dench, John McCain
Mike Meyers claimed to play D&D on Inside the Actor’s Studio. Vin Diesel, a longtime player, wrote an introduction to the book Thirty Years of Adventure: Celebrating Dungeons and Dragons. Judy Dench was reportedly introduced to the game by Vin Diesel. Matthew Lillard has played (and apparently beat) kids for charity. Basketball player Tim Duncan is a long-time player. Robin Williams has played for charity, but admits to playing at home as well. Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were introduced to the game by Kevin Smith. Daryl Hannah supposedly plays (though I could find no coroberating evidence). Jesse McCarthy and Lauren Graham have at least touched a D&D box. Joss Whedon played D&D in college. Stephen Colbert was a big player as a kid and still plays now. Will Wheaton reportedly played on the set of Star Trek: The Next Generation (stop the presses!).
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